Second Liberation

However, the interests of the contemporary Great Powers prevailed: Under the initiative of Italy and Austrian-Hungary, the Albanian State was created out of nothing. To render the new state sustainable, they seize the free Northern Epirus to this new state by force. The Greek Northern Epirots rebel against this injustice. On 17 February 1914, they declare in Argyrokastro the INDEPENDENCE OF NORTHERN EPIRUS. A government is assigned with G. Zografos as Prime Minister, and Metropolitans Vassileios of Dryinoupolis, Spyridon of Vellas and Konitsa, and Germanos of Korytsa (photo), as members. The Northern Epirots start an armed struggle, without – unfortunately – the support of the Greek State. The revolution against the Albanian slavery succeeds, and on 17 May 1914 the Great Powers and Albania are forced to sign the CORCYRA PROTOCOL (THE PROTOCOL OF CORFU), i.e. THE INDEPENDENCE OF NORTHERN EPIRUS. The Sovereignity Government hands control over to the Greek Army in October 1914, which liberated Northern Epirus for the second time.

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