Historical sources and archaeological findings

Historical sources and archaeological findings prove the existence of active Hellenism in Vouthroto (near Ag. Saranda), Antigonea (Tepeleni), Epidamnus (Dyrhacchion) Antipatrea (Berati), Apolonia (Pogiani-Fieri), Vyllida, Astaki, Amandia (Pliosa), Chimera (Chimarra), Panormo, Foiniki, Ogchismos (Ag. Saranda), Adrianoupolis – Dryinoupolis, Nymphaion, Orikos, that is in the whole of the Northern Epirus region. The unity of the cultural heritage of Northern Epirus with that of the rest of Greece is manifested and maintained by the archaeological works: In Apolonia, a Corinthian and Corcyran colony, archaeologists have found temples dedicated to Apollo, Artemis – Diana and Poseidon – Neptune, as well as a Greek theatre; in Nymphaion, Attic vessels and tomb anaglyphs, representing scenes of the Greek mythology, statutes of Dodoneus Zeus, of Lyceos Apollo, Virgin Athena, Demeter, Hermes, Apollo, Atlas holding Uranus on his shoulders, a bust of Demosthenes, a necropolis with many findings etc.

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